How to Find Your Calling?

First of all, you don’t find your calling. It finds you.

If you are an avid bible reader, you may have noticed when God chooses people they may not necessarily be looking for God. He simple commands and they are forced to obey. There is no negotiation when you are assigned your calling and this is how many of us end up struggling our entire lives.

Bible verse 143:8
When God calls you, you have to put your trust in Him

What Happens When You Avoid Your Calling?

There are quite a few examples in the bible of what happens when you try to avoid your calling. Most notable is the story of Jonah and the whale. Jonah was told to go to the great city of Nineveh to preach to the people, but he ran away instead. He didn’t get far though and God used a whale to redirect him to the city he was sent to.

Many great biblical leaders were reluctant to accept their callings. Both Moses and Aaron were not sure they could handle being the ones to free the Israelites from Egypt. In fact, Aaron was chosen because Moses was so afraid.

One common thread among those who tried to avoid their calling is fear.

They were afraid they weren’t good enough to serve in that position. Or they were afraid they would fail in their task. But running away is not the answer when God calls you.

Bible verse 2 Timothy 2:15
Long ago it was fear. Now we are ashamed to serve God.

Handling the Fear of Failing God

As humans, we can get terrified by the smallest of things, so, understandably, these prophets were terrified of the prospect of being God’s voice or hands on Earth. Imagine God suddenly commanding you to lead an army when you don’t even know how to hold a sword. Who wouldn’t tremble at the thought?

And those were in the days when you spoke to God face-to-face. Today if a voice commanded you to do anything, you would think you’re crazy! So before you even take action, you need to verify if the voice is God’s.

This is where the spirit of discernment comes in. 

What happens next is more or less based on the level of your faith. If you don’t fully trust in the power of God, you will be afraid, but if you’re like David or Joshua, you’ll go forth boldly without fear. For those of you stuck in fear, there is prayer.

Bible verse Psalm 143:10
Blocking out the negative voices will help you heed the will of God

God Isn’t the Only One Who Can Assign Your Calling

Yeah, this is where the power of prayer and the tongue matters.

Your purpose may be part of the divine plan, but you can get derailed by a lack of faith and someone with evil thoughts. The Bible warns us that people can curse us if we don’t have God as our shield. They can also bless us through their well wishes and prayers. So what happens in your life can be affected by the people around you.

Two good examples are Samuel’s mother pledging his life to God’s service and Joshua pledging his entire bloodline. In the same vein, you can curse your entire family by wishing evil on your bloodline. This is the response to your beliefs and the power of the tongue.

This is why we need to pray good things for one another even in our hearts.  Prayer not only helps them find their calling, but it also makes it easier for them to accept their calling. Prayer removes the fear and increases their faith in the power of God.

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