Why God Doesn’t Align Himself With Religion Anymore

I think the crucifixion was the final straw.

According to the Bible, the crucifixion of Jesus Christ was part of God’s divine plan. Also according to the Bible, man has free will to choose whether to accept or reject God. And after years of leading man toward the path of salvation, He sent His son and His Chosen People crucified him. They had the Son of God walking amongst them and they still doubted God and put their faith in laws and man-made judgment.

Bible verse Galatians 2:21
Jesus went to both the synagogues and the people on the streets

Why Religion Has Failed God’s Plan

After the flood, God didn’t want to destroy man, so to avoid another Noah situation, He selected His chosen people who He thought would carry on His will on Earth. For a time, the Israelites did follow His will, but as time passed they began to lose sight of God and their faith. Instead, they focused on saving the temples, following the laws of Moses, and preserving Jewish customs.

So through the prophecy of the birth of Christ, God gave them hope when they were oppressed and promised that He would always be there with them, even without the temples, kings, and in the land of their enemies. Still, the Israelites only focused on Jewish customs and not what God had called them to do. Like Christians today, the Israelites had forgotten that God wanted them to live a life pleasing to God and this was not limited to Sunday Sabbaths and obeying the Laws of Moses. 

So God sent Jesus Christ, so they could learn how to live according to God’s will. But instead of following the example of Jesus Christ, they essentially mocked God, and you know the rest. Now put yourself in God’s shoes; after countless efforts of mercy, You finally send Your son to Your Chosen people and they crucify him! Even if God already knew the outcome, He probably had some small hope that they might make the right choice.

Bible verse 1 John 1:7
We are supposed to live by Jesus’s example

God’s Plan For Religion

After the resurrection, Christianity became the new hope for both man and God. At the onset of this new religion, God made one final appearance to convert Saul to Saint Paul. And it was Paul who was crucifying Christians, and ended up spreading Christianity across the new world. 

Religion was never meant to be limited to one place, race, or people. When man was called to spread across the earth, He was supposed to take the will of God and His faith with him, Instead, man ended up forgetting God and his purpose. 

So God tried various ways to get men to refocus on God. He showed them life without God and life without God; they would still always forget God. Despite this, when they cried out in Egypt He answered, but instead of using their new relationship with God to help God, they demanded more from God. And they turned the Jewish religion into a closed-off community that believes that only they are entitled to God’s love and favor.

Which is not what God wanted. God wanted to use the Israelites as an example of what happens when you listen, trust, and believe in God. It wasn’t about the religion or people, it was about faith. 

Bib;e Verse 2 Corinthians 3:6
Christianity is only the new way to reach God

How Christians Can Renew the Religious Covenant Between Man and God

As a Christian, I’m sure you’ve felt at times that Christianity is drifting away from God. Whether it’s the sins committed by the church or your lack of trust in religious leaders, Christianity has lost its way and the Christian faith needs to be revitalized, especially in these trying times. And we can do it by making these simple changes to our lives;

Don’t Gatekeep

We are called to spread the Gospel and we can’t do this by not testifying the good things God has done in our lives. Sharing your faith is not only about sharing Bibles and teaching people about your religion. It’s about sharing your journey with God, both the good and the bad, and helping people find their way back to God.

No Forced Conversions

Honestly, where did that concept come from? Cause it isn’t biblical. We are called to pray for the conversion of sinners. Pray, not torture, threaten and guilt trip them into following your religion. God wants you to welcome sinners, feed them, clothe them, and do what is right according to God’s will and they will have the option to choose.

Live According to God’s Will

This is why living by Jesus’s example is important. People didn’t follow Jesus because He was the Son of God, they followed Him because he embodied what he was preaching about. He cared for people no matter how little he had, or who they were and encouraged others to do the same. 

Walk in the light of Christ, with the Spiritual Lights

Instead of screaming you follow the one true God and telling every other Christian religion, you are better than them, why don’t you prove it by living as God intended and using the power of God to make the lives of the people around you better? It is okay to be proud to be protected by a mighty and powerful God, but it is not okay to threaten people with God’s wrath. You are not God’s judge, jury, and executioner, you are God’s mercy, love, and light upon this earth, and it is time you act like it. 

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